Instructions and tips to note to make a successful registration for a Child/minor.
  • You would have to register as a Parent first in order to obtain an Army Reference Number before you can register a minor please.
  • The Army Reference Number is sent to you via the provided Email address so do well to ensure it's correct.
  • You will then be required to provide the Obtained Army Reference Number and the particular Email address you used for your own registration.
  • Follow the notes and labels on each field and provide the appropriate response/information
  • Group or family(For children Only) registrations can be made by clicking on the green plus (+) button to add on more records.
  • A red minus (-) button will show when making group registrations. It can be used to remove a record.
  • if you have any challenges or what so ever, kindly contact the help desk on phone(Call or whatsApp): +233-53-772-7072 or via email at to express your concern.
The Guardian's Army Application Ref Code
The Guardian's Email that was use for Army Application

What is the first name of your child please?
What is the last or Surname of your child please?
What is the last or Surname of your child please?

In which Town/city was the child born?

Is this child a CCI Member?
Which Network do they attend Service?
What's the child's current educational level?

Kindly provide the name of the ward's guardian if you're not the guardian
Full Int"l No. Eg +233243055748
Kindly provide address, where the child resides

Upload the Child's recent passport photo