Instructions and tips to note to make a successful application.
  • Be sure to provide the right phone number and email address.
  • You will receive an application notification via the email you will provide. Be sure it is correctly typed out.
Eg. 25 Banana Street, Anwomaso
Enter Your Residential GH-POST GPS or Zip Code

Enter your first name.
Enter your middle or other name(s).
Enter your Last or Surname only.
Enter your email address.
Full International Phone Number:Eg, +1-646..

What time were you born?
If you do not know that time of brith, within which time-frame were you born?

What Network do you belong to?
If already a member, what is your designation.
Choose your Network.
What is the name of the Elder of you belong to?

What's your marital or relationship status.

What's your highest level of education?
Other Educational Level
What do you do for a living or what are you trained in?

How did you get to know or hear of CCI the first time?
If you have been baptised, where?

Please state the name of the one who invited you.

Please upload a recent passport-sized photo of yourself.